Monday, September 21, 2015


Now that we have our blog set up and ready to go, you will be introducing your artist to the other members of the group. You will write a few lines about your artist in the first person. Just click on the Comments at the bottom of this post. The guidelines are:

1. Include a salutation (say ‘Hello’ in the voice of your person). Could be in their native language or in their own personal style.

2. Let us all know what they are known for (What kind of art do they make? What is their most famous accomplishment?).

3. List two interesting facts about them (Tell us two things that you find interesting about them).

Here is an example for my artist of choice Henri Matisse

Bonjour mon ami! My name is Henri Matisse. I am an artist of many different genres but am best known for my paintings and paper cut-outs. I was initially labeled as a ‘fauvist’ (meaning : wild beast) but during the WWII era, my art was considered ‘degenerative’ by the invading Nazis and I was not allowed to show my work. Ms. Andreadis has a copy of my painting Large Red Interior (1948) in her kitchen. She is so tres’ magnifique! (Here is Ms. Andreadis at the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, July 2007 seeing the original Matisse painting.)

Introduction is due by 11:59pm Sunday September 27, 2015.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Welcome to the fourth year of our ninth grade research project! This is an interdisciplinary biography project to explore the lives of a variety of artists and the eras and societal influences that informed their work. This research project will provide students with an opportunity to explore areas of interest while at the same time encourage students to communicate with each other in an effort to explore topics in the arts and social studies.

Our first step is for each students to choose an artist who shares their arts field and is in the era that the students are going to focus on.