Monday, September 21, 2015


Now that we have our blog set up and ready to go, you will be introducing your artist to the other members of the group. You will write a few lines about your artist in the first person. Just click on the Comments at the bottom of this post. The guidelines are:

1. Include a salutation (say ‘Hello’ in the voice of your person). Could be in their native language or in their own personal style.

2. Let us all know what they are known for (What kind of art do they make? What is their most famous accomplishment?).

3. List two interesting facts about them (Tell us two things that you find interesting about them).

Here is an example for my artist of choice Henri Matisse

Bonjour mon ami! My name is Henri Matisse. I am an artist of many different genres but am best known for my paintings and paper cut-outs. I was initially labeled as a ‘fauvist’ (meaning : wild beast) but during the WWII era, my art was considered ‘degenerative’ by the invading Nazis and I was not allowed to show my work. Ms. Andreadis has a copy of my painting Large Red Interior (1948) in her kitchen. She is so tres’ magnifique! (Here is Ms. Andreadis at the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, July 2007 seeing the original Matisse painting.)

Introduction is due by 11:59pm Sunday September 27, 2015.


  1. Replies
    1. Hey! My name is Alcide Nunez. I am also recognized as Yellow Nunez or Al Nunez. I am a New Orleans Clarinetist but I was also a Police Officer. I am a Jazz Musician. My most celebrated works are a huge hit with "Livery Stable Blues". My albums are "The Creators of Jazz and "The Greatest Hits". I was born and raised in St. Benard Parish Louisiana. My birthday is March 17, 1884. My parents are Victor Nunez and Elisa Nunez Chalaire. They were of Isleno, Louisiana, and French descent. I've played the clarinet in multiple jazz bands including "Original Dixieland Jazz Band" and "The New Orleans Police Band". I've always loved to play Jazz. I grew up playing a lot of instruments but playing the Clarinet in a Jazz band is just right for me!

    2. Hello! My name is John Barrymore I am an American actor on stage, screen, and radio. I began my acting career with light comedies then climbing right into high drama. Some of my finest stage performances including ,Justice ,Richard III, and Hamlet where I was Hamlet. From that I was deemed "greatest living American tragedian." After that I focused solemnly on screen acting for 14 years during the silent era. My works from that era include but are not limited to, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Sherlock Holmes, and The Sea Beast. During this time I earned the title, "the Great Profile."

    3. Hello, fair ladies and gentlemen! I am Philippe Jacques de Loutherbourg and I am a Franco-British artist and scenic designer and I was born in Stratsbourg, France! I am known for my large collection of naval paintings and my elaborate set designs for theaters in London, but my most famous achievement is my invention of a mechanical theater design called "Eidophusikon"! I have also made illustrations for Macklin's Bible and an edition of the works of the brilliant Shakespeare. What is not well known about me is I have a very curious interest in "faith-healing" and I was a loyal companion of the famous occultist, Cagliostro.

    4. зДравствуйте! My name is Marc Chagall. During my career I delved into many different art forms but am most recognized for my work in painting, where I created one of my greatest works, 'I and the Village.' I grew up in Russia and later moved to France. I decided to be an artist at the young age of 13 after I began drawing pictures out of books. I found it so rewarding I knew that was what I wanted to do. I have traveled from Russia to France since my childhood and was pleasantly surprised to startle France with my art styles which were apparently alien to them, a good thing in my mind.


    5. Hey! My name is Alcide Nunez. I am also recognized as Yellow Nunez or Al Nunez. I am a New Orleans Clarinetist but I was also a Police Officer. I am a Jazz Musician. My most celebrated works are a huge hit with "Livery Stable Blues". My albums are "The Creators of Jazz and "The Greatest Hits". I was born and raised in St. Benard Parish Louisiana. My birthday is March 17, 1884. My parents are Victor Nunez and Elisa Nunez Chalaire. They were of Isleno, Louisiana, and French descent. I've played the clarinet in multiple jazz bands including "Original Dixieland Jazz Band" and "The New Orleans Police Band". I've always loved to play Jazz. I grew up playing a lot of instruments but playing the Clarinet in a Jazz band is just right for me!

  2. Bonjour, tout le monde! My name is Rudolphe Kreutzer. I'm a French violinist, but I am also famous for teaching, conducting, and composing music. My most celebrated works are the "42 études ou caprices" that I composed for solo violin in 1796. I was born in Versailles and taught music by my father starting at a young age. Ironically, people hear my name in relation to a work by my acquaintance, Beethoven, more than they hear it in relation to my own work. I was the dedicatee of his Violin Sonata No. 9, Op. 47, although I never played it, it's way too fast-paced and incomprehensible for my tastes!


  3. Hello. My name is Aaron Douglas, but you may know me as the "father of African American art". At an early age I was exposed to art by my mother, and as I grew older, I became an artist myself. After I graduated high school, I went to college and earned my Bachelor of Fine Arts . After that I decided to move to Harlem, New York. Harlem was known at the time for having an artistic African American community, and I wanted to be apart of that. Soon after I arrived, I became involved in the Harlem Renaissance. There I could express my talents, and compassion for what I loved most. Art.


  4. Bonjour! My name is Pierre Rode from France. I’m a violinist and composer. At age 13 I went to Paris and became the favorite student of the famous Giovanni Battista Viotti. I also collaborated on the official Violin Method of the Conservatoire de Paris with Baillot and Kreutz. I was the violin soloist for Napoleon and toured in many places. Ludwig van Beethoven wrote his last violin sonata for me when visiting Vienna. I composed 13 violin concertos and a bunch of other pieces.

  5. Ahoj! My name is Alfons Maria Mucha, or Alphonse Mucha in English and in French. I am a Czech Art Nouveau painter and decorative artist. I am also one of the founders of the Art Nouveau style and created advertisements, postcards, illustrations, paintings, and designs. To the general public I'm best known for my Sarah Bernhardt posters and my decorative panels such as "The Seasons". Other work I should note would have to be "Slovanská epopej", or "The Slav Epic", my life's fine art masterpiece, a series of twenty paintings depicting Slavic history. I spent many years working on "The Slav Epic" cycle, it had been my dream to complete such a series. My style soon became considered outdated and in the spring of 1939, I was one of the first to be arrested by the Gestapo when German troops moved into Czechoslovakia.

  6. Guten Tag! My name is Hans Albers. I am a German actor and singer. Perhaps you could call me the biggest male movie star in Germany between the years of 1930 and 1945, although I appeared in many pieces before then. I was born in Hamburg, Germany on September 22, 1981. I began film work in 1911 but suspended my time doing it, to fight in World War II. Sadly, while fighting, I got injured. I came back strong and became more known then I could have imagined.

  7. Buon giorno! My name is Vittoria Tesi. I am an Italian opera singer and music teacher. My vocal range was that of a contralto, my vocal range lies between the F below " middle C " to two Fs above middle C and is the lowest type of female voice. I first began my operatic career in 1716 when I would perform at Parma and Bologna. I traveled Europe for 26 years! My career reached it peak in the late 1730's and 1740's. I sang along side some very talented and popular opera singers such as Caffarelli, very famous castrato and opera singer. In 1749 I decided to retire and in 1751 I became a costume director in Vienesse court. I also got to meet Casanova and Mozart!

  8. Hello everyone! My name is Marion Harris. I'm known for my singing, primarily in jazz and blues. I was sometimes billed as "The Queen of the Blues," but that was a while ago, around World War I. However, I also took part in some Broadway performances, and Vaudeville as well. My time on the stage began around 1910. I was discovered by a dancer named Vernon Castle, who introduced me to theater life in New York. There, in 1915, I made my first appearance in the revue, "Stop! Look! Listen!" by the famous composer Irving Berlin. From there, my fame began. My song, "When I Hear That Jazz Band Play," was one of the first jazz songs ever recorded that featured a female vocalist.

  9. Hej mine venner! My name is Lucile Grahn. I am a dancer best known for dancing in “Pas De Quatre” with Carlotta Grisi, Fanny Cerrito, and Marie Taglioni on 12 July 1845 at Her Majesty’s Theater in London, in front of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. I received my training at the Royal Danish Theatre School in Copenhagen, where the famous ballet master August Bournonville. Then I took the leading role of Astrid in Bournonville’s Valdemar in 1835 at the age of 16.

  10. Hello, My name is Mary Wollstonecraft. I was born in 1759 and I am an author and a women's rights activist. I am best known for my book, A Vindication of the Rights of Women which was published in 1792. My daughter Mary Shelly is also a famous writer, known best for her book Frankenstein. I have lived in England all my life, where I wrote all twenty of my works.

  11. Why hello there! My name is John Wilkes Booth and I am an American actor. I come from a large family, famous for our work in the theater. One of my greatest accomplishments as an actor was when I performed in 'Julius Caesar' as Mark Antony in 1864. My two brothers, Edwin and Junius, were also in the production and many say it was the greatest theatrical event in New York history. I am an audience favorite, the first to have my clothes ripped off by fans. Critics praise me for my handsome looks, astonishing memory, and especially for my spectacular death scene performance as Romeo in "Romeo and Juliet".

  12. Greetings! My name is Benjamin West and I can consider myself as Anglo-American painter. I was born on October 10, 1738, near Springfield, Pennsylvania. I had a talent for painting at an early age. My parents often supported and encouraged my drawing throughout my childhood. I realize that I probably would have never became the artist that I am if I never had met the very inspiring British portraitist when I was nine. That moment really motivated me. By the time I hit fifteen I became as some would say, a local celebrity, for my portraits. In time I moved to Europe to continue my career and my most famous works were made there. But to really sum it down my most influential painting was one of my pieces entitled The Death of General Wolfe (1770). Eventually I led to become the first American artist to achieve an international reputation.

  13. Hello there! My name is Thomas Apithorpe Cooper and I'm known for my acting.
    I was born in London, England and I recieved a good education, and, on the death of my father I was adopted by Thomas Holcraft and William Goodwin.
    I held a foremost rank on the English stage for several years and I became lessee of the park theatre for a long time.
    My first appearance on the stage was with Stephen Kemble's company in Edlinburgh. Also, at Covent Garden, London I was a great success as Hamlet and Macbeth.

  14. Hello, my name is Lena Ashwell. I was an actress during World War 1,and am best known for my influence on the soldiers of the war in entertainment and culture, I was born aboard the ship Wellesley, and grew up in the country of Canada. I later went on to study at the Royal Academy of Music in London and marry the actor Arthur Playfair, During that time, I was a strong member of the pre-war suffrage campaign and had begun my attempt at educating the front lines of the battle in theatre ands the arts.

  15. Hola, Bonjour and Hello! My Name is Michelle Ferdinande Pauline García, but you can call me Pauline Viardot. I am a world renoun opera singer, a well known composer and a teacher at the Paris Conservatory of Music! I was alive during the industrialization era. My father, Manuel Garcia, was an amazing french tenor and decided to teach me at a young age, instead of my sister, Maria Malibran because I was his favorite daughter. Thanks to my father I was one of the first young artists on the opera stage! In 1837, At the age of sixteen I gave my first concert appearance in Brussels, Belgium as Desdemona in the opera "Otello".

  16. Hello, I am Anne Finch, the Countess of Winchilsea. I am a well-educated English poet. I was born in 1661 and I was raised to believe that education was important for both girls and boys. I’ve written several love poems about my husband but I’ve also written works on depression and social justice for women. One of my most famous works is "A Letter to Dafnis", a love poem. I very must desire respect as a female poet although it’s a difficult position to be in, as a woman.


  17. Hello, My name is Powhatan Beaty. I was born October 8, 1837 in Richmond, Virginia. I am famous for being a colored soldier and actor. My greatest accomplishment was wining the Medal of Honor for taking command and leading my company when all the officers were killed or wounded, in Fort Harrison, VA on September 28,1864, and the Medal of Honor was awarded to me on April 6, 1865. I was born into slavery. However I was able to buy my way of of slavery and move to Cincinnati, Ohio where I had my acting debut in a school concert. After school I became a cabinet maker, and studied acting in private. Later on in my life I went to serve the Union Army under William Dickson, the commander of black troops.


  18. Hello! Oooppps I mean mmmhhh! My name is Douglas Fairbanks and I am an actor, director, screen writer and producer, but am most know for my roles in silent films. I am such a comedian, re-read the first sentence, a ha ha... My birth name is actually Douglas Elton Thomas Ullman, and I was raised by mother. I started theater at the age of 12, attended Harvard, and ended up on Broadway in 1902. I spent the early part of my career making comedies, but I’m most famous for my roles in The Thief of Bagdad, Robin Hood, and The Mark of Zorro.

  19. Hello, my name is Tamara Karsavina. I was born March 10, 1885 in Russia in the city of St. Petersburg. My papa, Platon Karsavina was a famous dancer and was even a student of Marius Petipa, a famous choreographer . Mother wanted to make a dancer of me, and that she did. I was named principle artist of the Imperial Russian Ballet, and later the principle dancer of the Ballet Russes of Serge Diaghilev in Paris. My most famous roles were Lise in La Fille Mal Gardee, and Medora in Le Corsaire. I was actually the first dancer to dance the Corsaire Pas de Deux in 1915. Poka, my friends!

  20. Hello, my name is Francis Hopkinson! I was born September 21, 1737 in Philadelphia, Province of Pennsylvania,British America. I designed the first official American Flag and I am also one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence as a delegate from New Jersey. I have composed a large quantity of songs I'm also known as one of the first American composers. I was a author and songwriter at a time when the colonies were not well known in the arts. I have served in various role in the early government including member of the Continental Congress, chair of the Navy Board, and also as federal judge in Pennsylvania.

  21. Hello everyone! My name is Mark Twain and I am a very well known writer. In fact you may have heard of my books, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. When I was born I was one of seven siblings after my birth on November 30, 1835. Only four of us made it out to adulthood. However sad that may be it was a normal occurrence in families of my time. The name I use for my writing, my pen name, is Mark Twain, I was born by the name Samuel Langhorne Clemons in Hannibal, Missouri.

  22. Greetings! My name is Virginia Woolf, and I am a writer. My various compositions include novels, such as my famous books To the Lighthouse and Mrs. Dalloway, though I was also a journalist with a lengthy list of short stories to add to my name. I am famous for my nonlinear prose style. My husband, Leonard Woolf, and I were greatly affected by World War II, as my husband was Jewish, and our London house was demolished by the Blitz. This traumatic time alleviated my mental instability and ongoing depression, eventually culminating in my untimely death.

  23. Hello! My name is Jean Dauberval and i'm a famous dancer. I am most widely known for my ballet ''La Fille Mal Gardée,'' a comic ballet. This ballet is still preformed in the 21 st century featuring ordinary folk on stage, unlike the mythological ballets commonly made in the 18th century. I worked with the great Noverre as my ballet master and he taught me many things like the use of natural characters, the importance of facial expressions, and that the plot doesn't always have to be a tragedy.

  24. Hallo! My name is Maria Rebecca Davison. I was born in 1780 and I am a British actress. I was a part of Tate Wilkinson's acting company in York, England where I did my first show as Sophia in Holcroft's "Road to Ruin". I acted in places such as Glasgow, Edinburgh and Liverpool! Pretty impressive, huh? I joined the acting company Drury Lane in 1804 and stayed in that company for fourteen years. On January 31 1805, you could say I "created" the role of Juliana in the "Honeymoon". I'm most well known for this role :) I married James Davison in 1812 as well, and in September of 1819 I made my very first appearance in Covent Garden! Thanks for reading... ta ta!

  25. Hello. My name is Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov I'm a Russian composer and a member of an elite group of composers known as the five as a member I prepared our compositions for performance. I'm best known for my orchestral compositions Capriccio Espagnol, The Russian Easter Festival, and the Symphonic Suite Scheherazade. I believed in developing a nationalistic style of classical music. My influence on younger composers was very important and it served as a transitional figure which exemplified Glinba and The Five. I left a considerable body of original Russian Nationalist compositions. I passed knowledge to my students and through a textbook on orchestration eventually completed by my son-in-law Maximillian Steinberg. I was considered the "main architect" of the Russian style of composition.

  26. Hello! My name is Pola Negri. I am a Polish stage and film actress. I achieved worldwide fame during the silent and golden eras of Hollywood and European film for my tragedienne and female fatale roles. I was the first European star to be invited to Hollywood and become one of the most popular actresses in American silent film. Not only am i an actress. I am also a singer, recording artist, author, and ballet dancer.

  27. Hello! My name is Thomas Killegrew. I live in London England where I own my theatre company The King's Men. I have written many plays, my most well known being "The Parson's wedding" and "The prisoners". I am also known for building the original Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, London.

  28. Hi my name is Daniel Steibelt! When I was a child I was forced to join the Persian army by my father. I left and became a pianist moving around before I settled in Paris. In May during the eighteen hundreds I challenged Beethoven to a playoff. Unfortunately it was terrible for me because Beethoven became the main event by improvising a part of a theme from my piece . I was responsible for the first performance of The Creation which was composed by Joseph Hayden. I'm a creative composer and in addition I have a very powerful distinction.

  29. Bonjour. I am Hector Berlioz. I was born on December 11, 1803 in France. My father was Louis Berlioz, a respected physician and scholar. He is often credited with the first experimentation with and recording of the use of acupuncture. I had five siblings, however only two lived to be adults; they were Nanci and Adèle. They were very close to me for all of my life. I was a French Romantic composer, best known for my compositions Symphonie fantastique and Grande messe des morts. Sometimes, I conducted grand orchestras of over 1,000 musicians. I also composed close to 50 orchestral pieces. Many people consider my works to have been crucial to the development of Romanticism. Some of my works required massive orchestral forces. Unlike most composers of my time, I was not a child prodigy. I began studying music at the age of 12. Regrettably, because of my father's disapproval, I never learned how to play the piano. To me this was both debilitating and beneficial. I often think that it could have been such a useful skill, until I trouble my mind with the fingerings. You see, these would have been the end to my creations.

  30. Well hello there! My name is Marie-Therese Perdou. I was born in July of 1666 in France. I'm a dancer, actually I'm a prima ballerina! My father was well educated and taught me how to dance. I love dance and have been very successful. I was the very first professional dancer to be seen by the English, and have had many other successes in dance during my career. I was one of the first ballerinas and, at the time, one of the best!

  31. Hello! My name is Fanny Brough. I am a British woman born in Paris with a passion for acting. I was born for the stage! Literally! My family is filled with actors. I of course love acting in general but I absolutely love comedy. Just knowing that I can make people laugh that I don't even know brings me so much joy. One of my biggest roles was the title character in Mrs. Warren's Profession by George Bernard Shaw.

  32. Bonjour! I am Robert Bochsa. I'm a musician who can play many intrusments but am known for being a harpists. I attended then Paris Conservatoire in 1813. I became the appointed harpist for the Imperial Orchestra. I
    Began writing operas as well. However in 1817 I became entangled in counterfeit and fraud so I had to go into hiding. After I was cleared of that I became touring. But it wasn't always good being a musician if you're as frisky as I am.

  33. Hi! My name is Martha Graham. I was born on May 11, 1894 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I am a modern dancer and founded the Martha Graham Center of Contemporary Dance. I am often called the "mother" of modern dance since I have had such a big influence on the dance world. I even have my own style of dance. I even published a book called "The Notebooks of Martha Graham"!

  34. Hello! My name is George Murphy Foster, but you can call me pops. I am a jazz bass player. I've played with all of the greats in my days from Louis Armstrong to Charlie Parker. I've also played in the Luis Russell orchestra. I have also released the album The king jazz story,volume 1,1945

  35. Hello! My name is Pierre Rameau! And i am a french dancer partnered by the amazing Elisabeth Farnese. I also published two books that give really good information about "baroque dance." I included twelve dances by Pecour but I revised them all. "La Mariee," a ballroom dance for men or women, was the most beautiful, choreographed by Guillaume-Louis Pecour :)

  36. Zdravstvuyte!! My name is Tamara Karsavina. I was born March 10, 1885 in St. Petersburg Russia. I am a Russian prima ballerina. I joined the Diaghilev ballet in 1909. I was a principal artist of the Imperial Russian Ballet and of the Ballets Russes of Surge Diaghilev. I was the first ballerina to dance in the Le Corsair Pas de Deux. I was a great teacher and wrote many articles and books on ballet technique.

  37. Hello, everyone. My name is Jonathan Swift. I am a Anglo- Irish author, as some would call me. Though I do have several works that are now published, you may not have known them as me at first if at all. You see, I write satires and I'd rather not get thrown into jail (I think I will tell you in later blogs, eh?) If this will tell you anything, I'm often referred to as a master of not one, but TWO satirical styles. Free time was abundant for me and I loved writing. To me, it was the best way to get everyone to see the flaws while laughing them away as silly little thoughts. Bring others to be aware of the world. A work you may know me for is "Guiliver's Travels" or perhaps "A Tale of Tub". If I'm not writing, you'll find it's because the English monarchy has attempted to kill me. Or I could be working at my church as the Dean of St. Patrick (A man's got to have a day job, you know). But for now, I wish you a good day. (I apologize for my tardiness, my device was malfunctioning)

  38. Edna Purviance September 28, 2015 at 3:31 PM
    Hello my name is Olga Edna Purviance! But you can call me Edna. I was born October 21, 1895 in Paradise Valley Nevada I started my acting career in 1915 with my biggest film "The Tramp" also starring Charlie Chaplin. I am now married to John P. Squire but was romantically involved with Charlie Chaplin before I was married. Before my film star days I was a flapper, performing in night clubs, bars and dance parties. I definitely had the flapper look, my hair was cut short, I wore short skirts and tight tops that for once showed my shoulders! I also drank and smoked cigarettes; you could call me a classy lady. I'm excited to share the rest of my story later but that's all for now. Toodaloo!

  39. Hello! My name is Olga Preobrazhenskaya, but I dropped the last syllable for professional purposes. I was born in St. Petersburg in the Russian Empire in 1872. I was accepted into the Imperial Russian Ballet School, the best of its kind, when i was only eight years old. As I grew up I worked with Marius Petipa, possibly the greatest ballet choreographer of all time, and became principle of the Imperial Russian Ballet, the highest position. I received audience adoration from my roles in Sleeping Beauty, Fairy Doll, and countless other performances for my exquisite technique and lyrical dancing. I can't wait for you to get to know me! Au revoir!

  40. George Frederic Handel was a German composer who spent most of his time in London. he is well known for his operas, oratorios, anthems, and organ concertos. Handel created three commercial opera companies to supply the English nobility with opera music. Handel received training in Halle, Hamburg and Italy before staying in London. He was strongly influenced both by the great italian composers. George Fredrick Handel still remains an highly influential composer.

    1. Guten tag, my name is George Frederic Handel I’m a German composer who spends most of my time in London. I’m well known for my operas, oratorios, anthems, and organ concertos. I created three commercial opera companies to supply the English nobility with opera music. I received most of my training in Halle, Hamburg and Italy before staying in London. I’m strongly influenced both by the great Italian composers. I am a highly influential composer.

  41. Hallå and greetings. I am Tor Aulin of Sweden, known through the country as a composer/conductor of classical music through the turn of the century. I prefer the violin above all other instruments, having played it through nearly thirty years in the Aulin Quartet, and written three concertos for the instrument. I have banat (pioneered) my way through the lack chamber orchestral and symphonic music in Sweden, establishing the first professional quartets and helping to conduct the first few national orchestras. I look forward to introducing myself further! Adjö!

  42. Hello, people of America we are the famous and the incredibly young Teresa and Maria Milanollo. We are the first child prodigies from Europe and we are happy to be able to reach you to tell you about our life and go through our story with all of you beautiful people.Okay, A La Prochine!!! Au Revoir!!!

  43. Hello! I am a Russian poet that lived from June 23 1889 to March 5 1966. I started writing poetry at the age of 11 and had my first poem published in my late teens. My sister also wrote poetry but stopped shortly after she got married at 17. In 1905 I got purposed to by many men so I wrote most of my poetry about men and my love life. I spent most of my life and in Paris getting people to paint pictures of me while I wrote many poems about my life.

  44. Top of the mornin'! My name is James Hoban, I am an architect, but not any other architect, I designed the one and only white house! And to think they might have chosen anyone else to design it, I received the Duke of Leinster's medal for some of my designs in school. I was also given an advanced student slot in the Dublin Society's Drawing School.
